Just a small key…
It was just a normal Tuesday in New York. The sun was shining. The birds were singing and it seemed to be a beautiful day. My girlfriend and me sat at the breakfast table and were talking about some things and when I look back at this morning, they seem to be banal and I wish that we would have talked about something more important. “Oh it’s 7:40! I’ve got to go. Bye, Darling.” “Bye.” I kissed her on her small but beautifully curved lips. “I love you,” she said, when she left the flat. With a little noise, she closed the door. I tidied up the kitchen and sang with the radio. Then I took my suit jacket and went to the subway station. The train arrived with a squeaking noise of the breaks. After three stops, I got out of the train and went across the street, where my architecture office was. Like every day, I first checked the letterbox and then I sat at my desk. I worked three and a half hours and nothing happened. My mobile rang. It was Chris, a friend. He sounded very shocked and he talked very fast. I just understood a few words and was scared. Then he was interrupted. The network had broken down. I got panicky fear. The words which I understood were: plane, Twin Towers and terrorists. Bonnie works in the South Tower! I turned on the radio. “The North Tower was hit by a plane. Thousands of lives are in danger.” I heard that the reporter was scared. I couldn’t move. Then I tried to phone Bonnie. My fingers shook when I pushed the buttons. My mobile didn’t work. I tried it again and again but without success. Suddenly the radio reporter began to gasp. “Ladies and Gentlemen, another plane flew into the World Trade Centre. This time, the South Tower was hit. Now it’s for sure that it’s the sick idea of terrorists.” The mobile fell out of my hand. I didn’t know how to feel or what to do. I stayed on my chair and listened to the nervous voice of the reporter. Today, I don’t know what I did in those hours of horror. I just remember the terrified radio reporter.
“Oh my God! The North Tower is about to collapse! People are jumping out of the windows.”
“The South Tower is about to collapse, too. A huge cloud of dust is darkening the streets. People are running. They are screaming and crying. “
In that moment, my world was destroyed. For the first time that day I looked at the calendar. It was the 11th of September, 2001. In the following week, I went to the place of the World Trade Centre hoping to find Bonnie alive. But no one found her, not alive, not dead. Three weeks later, I was sure that Bonnie was dead. I tried to live normally, but in every silent moment I missed her and I knew that with her, a part of me was gone.
Now, four years later, it’s better. I moved to another part of New York, close to my office. The phone rings. “Hello?” “Hello, may I talk to Jeremy Walker?” “It’s me.” “Ok. Your girlfriend, Bonnie Smith, was in the South Tower on 9/11, right?” “Yes…” A cold feeling spread throughout me. Why does this person want to talk to me about Bonnie? “My name is Jared Parker and I’m the leader of the search in the debris of the Twin Towers. It was taken to Long Island and a lot of helpers are looking for missing people or personal stuff of them.” “Yes, but what does this have to do with me? Did your people find her?” “No, I’m sorry, but we found something, a little black bag with her name on it. It’s nearly completely destroyed but in it, there was a small key. Did Bonnie write in a diary or something like it?” “Yes, she wrote very often. Is it possible for me to get the key?” “Yes, you can pick it up at our office tomorrow.” “OK, I’ll come. See you and thank you very much!!”
I’m happy. With this key, it’s possible for me to re-connect with Bonnie. It’ll be as if she tells me something about herself. Next morning, I drive to Long Island. I hold the key in my hands. Back home, I open a little chest with memories and open the diary. I begin to read.
Dear diary,
Today, I met Cedric. We drank coffee and talked and laughed much. I really like him. He is so nice. His body is perfect, ‘cause he plays football. When I wanted to go, he kissed me very softly, but it was intensive. It’s dangerous for me, ‘cause I’ve got to take care that Jer won’t find out about us. I love him very much, but I need this adventure called Cedric. Am I a bad human?
No! I don’t believe it! My love, my luck, everything was a lie? She had an affair? I know, that it won’t make the situation any better, but I need to read on
Dear diary,
Last weekend, Jer was at a conference, so I slept at Cedric’s house. ;) You know what I mean? It was beautiful! First he
Stop, I can’t read on…It’s horrible…I turn to another page and read on.
Dear diary,
Every day, I am happier with my two boyfriends! Both are perfect and I love them! I could never leave Jer, cause he is my best friend and I need him to survive, but Cedric is a perfect lover. I’m HAPPY!!!!
In July, she didn’t write anything. We were on a trip through Canada. It was great. But why I didn’t notice that she had Cedric?! My whole life was a lie! I was sad and depressed, because of a woman for who I wasn’t enough! In rage, I read on
Dear diary,
I can’t believe it! Cedric isn’t the gentleman I thought him to be… Yesterday he forced me to…. I don’t want to describe it. I’m so sorry that I did this to my sweet and perfect Jer. I love him and I think, I should leave Cedric as soon as possible. The situation is strange…
I want to read on! I want to know what happened. Did she leave this f***ing Cedric?! He forced her to…I would never do this. NEVER!!
Dear diary,
I did it. I left Cedric and I think it’s better. I’m happy with Jer and I love him , more than I’ve ever loved anyone else. He is so sweet and he would do everything to make me happy!! <3 Jer, I love you!!!! I want to marry him. Tomorrow, I’ll ask him, when I come home from work.
Loving kisses to my sweet, sweet Jer,
Bonnie <3
Tears drop onto the paper. 09/10/2001… Her last evening and she wrote that she wanted to marry me. All of my anger was away. ‘Loving kisses to my sweet, sweet Jer.’ I read this sentence again and again. And I miss her… My sweet, sweet Bonnie….
So ich hoffe ihr habt alles verstanden, und vor Allem hoffe ich, es hat euch gefallen. Es ist meiner Meinung nach eine ganz andere Sichtweise, und ich hoffe es berührt euch sogar ein bisschen. Etwas melodramatisch, aber meine Englischlehrerin war begeistert. Jetzt bin ich auf euer Urteil gespannt. Bei Verständnisfragen bitte melden;)
Einfach nur wundervoll :)!
AntwortenLöschenDAANKE :D
AntwortenLöschenich antworte mal kurz weil ich immer noch zu blöd bin um zu kommentieren;DD
Löschendas is doch dein englisch geschichten text oder?
...ich dachte eig der is total typisch herzzerreißend kitschig...aber eig find ich den...supi gut ;))
be krümel;)
..... woow! *tränen wegg wisch* hammmer!!! :O
AntwortenLöschenZu deinem Kommentar:
Ich hab es gestern abend erhalten, war aber nur mit handy on und konnte dir nicht anwtorten. ALSO hier meine antwort: Ich hab die Textstelle JETZT gelesen und wow, hammer, richtig toll!! Ich kann mir alles voll gut vorstellen und so. Dein Stil zu Schreiben gefällt mir sehr.... schreibst du noch mehr? Wenn ja würd eich es liebes es zu lesen! *o*
GGGGGLG elle <3
Haha, das freut mich soooo!! Ich brauchn unbedingt n abo von dir! :D Kannst du mir bescheid sagen, wenn du wieder was hast? ;)
AntwortenLöschenAch ja,... ich glaub du hast die Mail nicht erhalten. :( Ich wollte Fragen ob ich n Blogvorstellung mit deinem Blog machen kann? keine sooo große aber halt eine :D mit Fragen etc...
gggglg <3 elle
Ich bin vollkommen begeistert von deinen text... ich wollte auch schon immer so schreiben können, aber ich habe einfach kein durchhaltevermögen... und in englisch würde ich es auch nie schaffen;) in unserer geschichte war mein teil voller roter makierungen:D ich find ihn echt super und ich hoffe du bist nicht so sehr erschrocken, dass ich mir mal deinen blog angeguckt habe;). lg marie (aus deiner klasse;))
AntwortenLöschenGenial, ich hatte den schon gelesen, bevor ich deinen Kommentar auf der Challenge-Seite gelesen habe.
AntwortenLöschenRichtig schick :D Auf Englisch solche feelings rüberzubringen - WOW. Das kann echt nicht jeder. Und die Idee an sich ist fantastisch. Zwar fand ich manchmal, dass du noch bisschen mehr hättest rausholen und beschreiben können, aber ich mecker ja auch immer rum xD
AntwortenLöschenNe, echt toll!
Das Problem ist, das war fpr einen Wettbewerb und ich durfte auf keinen Fall ein Wort mehr schreiben :(. Das war ursprünglich noch viel mehr :D